
Welcome to the Connect The Docs Virtual Learning Portal

Connect The Docs is making it easier for Health Professionals to stay updated and informed, attend in-person and online events that are convenient for them, learn from experts and leading industry organisations, and better connect with their colleagues.


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On-Demand Education

– Recall the incidence and prevalence of atrial fibrillation in the general practice
– Recall current and novel diagnostic tools available for general practice when considering atrial fibrillation
– Identify those at increased risk of stroke using contemporary methods
– Discuss and define key elements associated with Chronic Disease Management Plans (CDMP) for GPs to consider for ongoing care

– Review the nature and mechanisms of heart failure
– Review the impact of neurohormonal treatment and benefits in heart failure
– Interpret new clinical data related to the use of SGLT2i’s in non T2DM patient groups
– Define the specific clinical benefits of SGLT2i’s to patients with heart failure, who are NOT T2DM patients

– Discuss the aetiology and prognosis of aortic stenosis

– Outline the diagnostic modalities and management options for patients with aortic stenosis

– Describe the following strategies for managing severe aortic stenosis- medical management, surgical management and transcatheter valve replacement